Welcome back! This is the fourth article in this comprehensive series about the Batcave, as depicted in the movie Batman v Superman. Today’s piece focuses on the final part of the Batcave- The Batman Garage.
This is where Bruce Wayne Batman stores his vehicles and where he and Alfred perform any necessary mechanical work. If you’ve missed any part of the Batcave series be sure to check out Article #1, where you can learn about the overall design elements of Batman’s lair and you can access the other parts of the series. On with the show!

The Batcave Houses the Most Organized Garage
As I mentioned in Article #1, there doesn’t seem to be an overabundance of tools and equipment in the Lab portion of the cave. That’s because most of it goes right here, in a section behind the Batmobile’s turntable that acts as a vehicular workstation. This is a wide-open portion of the cave (one of the few not sectioned off) that Bruce and Alfred use to repair and modify vehicles, primarily the Batmobile.
Desk Station and Data Display

Starting on the left side, you’ll notice a kind of desk station. To its left are some hoses mounted to the wall which might be air tools. It’s difficult to make out the equipment on the desk but maybe some of my more automobile mechanically inclined readers can clarify in the comments below. Suffice to say, this desk station might be used for planning out repairs or ideas to improve the vehicles. Or, it might be used for finer detail work on individual components. As you look right of the desk, you can begin to see an impressive array of screens that line the entire back wall above the cabinets.

Any data or images could be easily displayed on these screens, but in this scene it looks like Bruce Wayne and Alfred are using it to display images of the Batmobile and its individual components. This is great because they can get the big picture and then also view things on a more and more granular basis. Just in front of the screens, you’ll find loads of test equipment as well as multiple monitors that spit out tons of data on how the Batmobile and its various components are performing.
Garage Shelving
Although placing things in front of the large red screens isn’t totally ideal, it seems like somewhat of a compromise, as it does allow Bruce and Alfred to quickly understand how the data on the smaller monitors relates to which testing equipment and the correlating images on the large screens. Also, notice the bat-like shape of the shelves 👌.

Garage Storage Cabinets and Mechanical Tools
Although this area is in the background of the Batmobile’s turntable, its uses are not limited to just vehicular work. The entire back wall is lined with industrial storage cabinets to house anything and everything that Bruce would need to build, repair, and fabricate mechanical equipment and components of any and all sorts. Coming around to the right side, you can also make out a heavy-duty hoist in the right corner as well as some additional hoses and equipment. This section is adjacent to Batman’s Armory.

Within the prep montage referenced for the training room, there are shots of Bruce working with the giant laser he’s assembled, manipulating the kryptonite into a giant spear point. The laser would require a large amount of power and this section of the cave is equipped to provide that. Once the Batmobile is moved out of the way, this section provides the distance to operate the laser, as well as the space to work on other large-scale projects. One imagines that maybe the mini guns used to attack Superman as well as the sonic attack device were assembled and perfected here.

Although Bruce Wayne/Batman doesn’t get nearly the reputation for invention that Tony Stark does, he is actually an accomplished engineer. This area is where many of the classic Batman gadgets would have been built and it’s an essential part of the Batcave. Finally, we don’t see any work done on it in the movie, but the Batwing sits on its own platform, high and off to the side from the Batmobile’s vantage point.
Without a doubt, the Garage/Mechanical Section of the Batcave is a crucial part of Batman’s ability to carry out his mission of protecting Gotham. If you enjoyed this article you’d probably appreciate a look at Tony Stark’s Workshop, which you can find here. The next few articles of this series will answer the question of what to do with all this Batcave information. What is the underlying organizational philosophy of the Batcave? What guidelines or ideas can we steal from Batman to make our own home offices, garage workshops and garage gyms more functional and inspired?
To start putting together your own Batcave start here and learn all about the Ethos of the Batcave: Functionality and Purpose!