How to Become a Modern Day Polymath

Here's the thing- Becoming a polymath is all about balance and relativity. Figuring out the exact best path for yourself is a journey that only you yourself can undertake. Pursue too many things at one time and you'll spread yourself too thin, only developing a cursory knowledge of subjects. Focus too narrowly and you'll lack the breadth of knowledge that is so characteristic of the renaissance person.


How to Ultralearn Like Tony Stark

2008's Ironman blew me away in its depiction of the swaggering, quippy, and casually genius protagonist Tony Stark, played to perfection by Robert Downey Jr. After the lackluster comic book movies of the 90s and early oughts, I didn't really expect much, but Tony Stark turned out to be a man of science who made everything about physics and engineering seem like the coolest thing you could possibly do. The film inspired in me, as it did for many, an intense curiosity about tech and a desire to understand the world at large. In short, to learn as much as possible.


Make Your Own

Maybe you've always wanted to be creative. Perhaps you've felt like someone standing on the outside looking in, wishing you were a "creative person." Or maybe you've done something creative in the past, but you've gotten busy or distracted and you've put those old projects and skills on the back burner. If you find yourself resonating with either one of these scenarios then this post is for YOU.


Famous Modern Day Polymaths

I’m guessing that if you’ve made it to this article you’re already familiar with the term polymath. But juuust in case you don’t recognize the term, a polymath is a considered to be a person with expertise in several areas. They have broad and extensive knowledge, often in disparate fields. But who are our current day polymaths? Surprisingly, the answer to this question is not too easy to find.