Batman is a Tactical Athlete

If you want to look like a superhero that's fine. Aesthetics have their place, and I don't mind admitting that I want to feel confident when I take my shirt off at the pool. But for me, and I believe this is certainly in line with what Mr. Wayne would think, performance trumps all. But performance in what? When we start to look at what exactly it is that Batman does, a very clear picture starts to emerge; one that, surprisingly, isn't mentioned very often...

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Batfleck’s Batcave, Article #3- The Armory

As you can tell from the title, this is article #3 in this series about the Batcave, as depicted in 2016’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, starring Ben Affleck as an older, more grizzled Batman. Thankfully for us fans, Ben Affleck will reprise his role as the Caped Crusader in the upcoming Flash movie, opening on June 16th, 2023.

If this is the first time you’ve found your way to the site, welcome! If you’d like to start with the first article in this series, you can follow this link and get the full story on this iteration of the cave – The Terrific Minimalism of Batman’s Batcave: A Look at Batfleck’s Batcave from BvS. I’ve been super busy this week training, taking care of some things around the house, and I’m trying to practice my instruments regularly again, so apologies that this article is coming out a little later than I intended. Without further ado let’s look at where Batman stores those wonderful toys of his.



The Terrific Minimalism of Batman’s Batcave: A Look at Batfleck’s Batcave from BvS (Article Series)

The Most Brutal Batcave Yet

Batman’s Batcave is as necessary to his being as his ferocious workout routine or his vigorous intellect. Over the years, Batman has had numerous iterations, many of them featuring an interpretation of his famous homebase as well. The version of Batman/Bruce Wayne, as portrayed by Ben Affleck in Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, gave us an older, more world-weary vigilante than previously seen.
