The Best Non-Fiction Books of 2023

By now all the Christmas presents have been opened and hopefully you've had some good R n' R with family and friends. Did you get any books? Hopefully you did, but if you've got some Christmas cash or gift cards burning a hole in your pocket and you want to know what to read check the list below. There are books on learning better, some history, science, psychology, and memoirs. There's sure to be something to whet your appetite for learning and knowing more about the big wide world we're living in.


Why I Read

Although I rarely spend an entire day just reading, I would happily do so if I didn’t have other things I want to accomplish. Once upon a time, I had to force myself to read, like a kid who doesn’t want to take his medicine. Now, it’s one of my favorite things to do. Sometimes a reward at the end of the day. And nearly always the first thing I do every morning.


Most Impactful Books 2020 Edition

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In a year that saw the coronavirus, racial and political strife, environmental disasters, and an embattled economy, these books provided hope, wisdom, sage actionable advice and a welcome respite from life’s troubles. These 2020 must read books will open your mind to new possibilities and will quite possibly change your life!



2020 Bulk Update

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For accountability’s sake and to show progression in my fitness, I’ve decided to document my goals, nutrition, lifts, and bulking/cutting/maintenance cycles on the website. This will be the first article in this series and it’s my bulking phase for the end of 2019! In this blog post, I’ll go over my timeline, nutrition numbers, and performance numbers. Let’s get started!



In Defense of Motivation

An informal analysis on how to make habit-based, goal-driven actions exciting and sustainable!

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In my daily explorations of the internet and its never-ending supply of productivity related content, I often come across sentiments dismissing the concept of “motivation”. David Goggins, the noted former Navy seal, endurance athlete, author and all-around bad ass, says “don’t be motivated, be disciplined”.



Plans n’ Processes for 2020

What’s up everyone? I hope everybody had a warm and restorative holiday break. This article is somewhat of a follow up to my 2019 Year in Review. I honestly had a great 2019 and I hope to build on my successes from last year. In this piece, I lay out my overall thoughts for moving forward in the new year, as well as my specific goals for 2020. Let’s talk about that word, goal, a little, shall we?



2019 Year in Review

As the year draws to a close, I am reflecting on the goals and habits that were important to me in 2019. Like many of you, I see the end of the year as a chance to look back and see what went right, what slipped through my grasp, and what I can improve as I go into the new year. Of course, my brain is already exploding with ideas of goals to strive for in 2020, but I know I have a better chance of success if I pause to take note of an obstacle here, a tweak there, and formulate my plans with this important context in mind.



Batman and the Capacity for Self-Discipline

As a child growing up in the 1980s, my first experience with Batman was through the Superfriends animated show. After watching the show, I wanted to be just like those heroes. I vivdly remember going out in my neighborhood to patrol the mean streets of suburban Raleigh, NC with underwear proudly worn on the outside of my pants (oh yeah). I donned a blue cape (a blanket) which flowed off of my cereal and juice infused, four-year old frame. Yes, you could say I was a full-on Bat fan from the very start.
