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Productivity Tools 2020

I’m always on the lookout for tips n’ tricks to up my productivity game and make it easier to accomplish more. Such is the case when I’m trying out tools to add to my productivity toolbox. Once in a while, things tend to stick around and become so indispensable, so effective, so CRUCIAL to success that I use them each and every day. I could probably live without these things, but I wouldn’t want to!

These days, there is so much information coming at us and so much distraction in our daily lives that it can be easy to just start putting out fires and put all of our precious focus and energy on things that are immediate, but don’t necessarily serve us well in the long term. Here are the most important tools I use to stay productive, energized and on track with my goals and priorities. 📝

💻 Microsoft Surface Laptop 2 

I REALLY like this machine. I previously had an awesome Macbook Pro, but it sadly died a quick death due to a spilled drink (yes, that was a frustrating day 😫 ). Needless to say, I got used to the premium build quality but really didn’t have the money to replace it with a comparable model. I did some research, went to the Microsoft store and picked this bad boy up. It has not disappointed!

I use this laptop constantly for writing, doing research for articles, planning website and post ideas, structuring the website, and sorting and editing photos and videos. The display is great, the processor is fast, and it keeps up when I have multiple office programs and tons of browser tabs open. 👍🏼

I wish it had more ports, and iTunes is even more buggy on here than it is on a Macbook, but it’s still a joy to use. The one I have has a 13” screen and is pretty light and portable which is appreciated. Plus I LOVE the machined aluminum, the blacked out aesthetics, and the cozy fabric that surrounds the keyboard. It’s built like Batman’s suit if it was lined with velvet. Niiiiiice 👌🏼.

📙 Baron Fig-James Clear Habit Journal 

I’ve only been bullet journaling for the past year or so, and to be honest,  I don’t really have another journal for comparison. However, I read and loved James Clear’s Atomic Habits, so when I saw the Clear Habit Journal I jumped on it.

This journal has been a GAME CHANGER for me! I’m a list person and like to write out everything I’m currently thinking about. The problem I had before was that it was scattered all over the place. Having a journal allows me to consolidate things in one spot. 

It’s also been hugely beneficial to go back and review plans and notes for different areas of my life (finances, fitness, learning, etc.). I also have 1 yr, 3 yr, 5 yr, and 10 yr plans scattered throughout the journal. Some are specific to an area, like work or my website. Others are overall life plans, like what I want a typical day to look like 10 years down the road. 

The journal has a fillable table of contents which makes things easy to find at a moment’s notice. This way, even if I get distracted with “putting out fires”, I can quickly refocus on what’s most important. This simple step is SO ESSENTIAL. I feel that so many people get caught up in reacting to what’s immediately in front of them, and then by the end of the day they’re so exhausted they can only sit on the couch to recuperate.

I’m not judging. I was totally there too not very long ago! But we HAVE to take the time to decide what’s important to us and then go after it EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. If you don’t decide what to do with your time and money, someone else will decide for you. Keeping a journal can help you stay focused on your priorities. Okay, rant over! 🤙🏼

⌚️ Apple Watch Nike+ Edition

This is the version before Apple moved to the larger screen. I really love the current version that’s out (MOAR on-screen info!!!) and I will be upgrading at some point, but the one I have has worked like a baus from day one.

I use my apple watch to track workouts, set timers and alarms, etc. but the biggest benefit for me has been the highly accurate CALORIE BURN TRACKING. Actually, I don’t know if it’s accurate or not, lol. But it has been extremely CONSISTENT w/ itself, to the point that I base how many calories I eat on this number, along w/ my goals, and that’s it.

Throughout my bulk this past winter,  I used this function to gain 11 lbs, and during my maintenance phase for the past month my weight has held steady at 165 lbs. 💪🏼 Really paying attention to the overall calories burned number as well as the “active” energy (workouts) and “resting” energy numbers (basal metabolic rate or BMR) has given me a better understanding as to how my body burns and stores energy. I feel much more confident about manipulating my body composition with this little dynamo in my tool kit.

📱 Iphone 7

I love Apple products in general. Like for most people, the cell phone is a daily companion for me, and I continue to be amazed at just how versatile these little devices are. Just looking at one folder, I’ve got apps for meditation (Headspace), sleep tracking (Pillow), home automation (LIFX), social media (Pinterest), language learning (Mango), and my website (WordPress). I use all of these almost daily.👌🏼

Don’t get me wrong, there are times I’ll sit down and just veg out on Netflix (probably watching Ironman for the umpteenth time), especially if I’ve been stressed and need a break for just a little while. But most of the time, even if I just have 5 minutes downtime between things, I am pulling out my idevice and taking care of business! 

There is so much we can accomplish at any time and I don’t want to waste a second! I don’t see how people can just stand around the water cooler and talk and talk and talk and talk. Lol. Okay now my introvert side is showing 👨🏼‍💻. But really, you can get a lot done in the little moments between things, and my iPhone has been helping me do just that for about 6 years now.

Amazing times we live in! What productivity tools do you use? I’d be really interested to hear what items people feel are essential to performing at their best! If you have questions or thoughts about anything at all productivity related, don’t hesitate to drop a comment down below or send me an electronic mail at  Thanks for reading and see you next time!

Products Featured in this Article-

Microsoft Surface Laptop 2

Here’s the latest version Surface Laptop 3

Baron Fig Clear Habit Journal

Apple Watch (latest version, Series 5)

iPhone (Apple’s latest, iPhone 11)

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