2019 Year in Review

As the year draws to a close, I am reflecting on the goals and habits that were important to me in 2019. Like many of you, I see the end of the year as a chance to look back and see what went right, what slipped through my grasp, and what I can improve as I go into the new year. Of course, my brain is already exploding with ideas of goals to strive for in 2020, but I know I have a better chance of success if I pause to take note of an obstacle here, a tweak there, and formulate my plans with this important context in mind.



Batman and the Capacity for Self-Discipline

As a child growing up in the 1980s, my first experience with Batman was through the Superfriends animated show. After watching the show, I wanted to be just like those heroes. I vivdly remember going out in my neighborhood to patrol the mean streets of suburban Raleigh, NC with underwear proudly worn on the outside of my pants (oh yeah). I donned a blue cape (a blanket) which flowed off of my cereal and juice infused, four-year old frame. Yes, you could say I was a full-on Bat fan from the very start.



Getting Started

Last Friday we had our new piano delivered to the house. I say new but really it’s just new to us. It’s a Kawai upright from the 1990’s that’s been refurbished and it’s waaaay more piano than my playing warrants. It’s also a much nicer instrument than I thought I’d ever be able to afford. I’ve been a professional musician (saxophone) most of my adult life and while in college and afterwards, I’ve always enjoyed playing through chord changes and the odd part. I never really developed any worthwhile facility though, and now that we finally have a nice quality instrument in the house that’s a joy to play, I plan to make some serious progress.        
