Workshop + Garage Gym Space
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Read on for Garage Gym Inspo
It wasn’t that long ago that this space was merely a pipedream for me. For a long time I had wanted a space for myself, but I had originally envisioned it as a home office. I mean that’s pretty standard, right? It might even have some fun tv/video game stuff in there for when I needed to relax. But, somewhere in the neighborhood of 2013-2015, several of my interests (self-improvement, nerdery, a “man cave”, tech, working out, a need to learn new things) began to coalesce in my mind into something that would be greater than the sum of its parts.
Click Here For a Video Walkthrough of the Dragon Lab-
In 2014 we moved into an old 1970s house that had a 2 ½ car garage. Yes, two and a HALF! Immediately after moving in, we unfortunately filled the garage with junk and leftovers from our transplantation. However, the previous owner had set up a simple workshop area in that extra half. After a few home projects and buying a few “grown up” tools, I reasoned that I could clean up and organize that area and bring it back to life as a way to keep up my new found interest in building stuff with my hands.
At the same time, after a few years of attending the local gym, I had become pretty consistent and motivated with working out, but had become less and less tolerant of the headaches that accompany a public gym, i.e. rude people, waiting on equipment, limited hours. So, it was in 2018 that a Youtube channel I follow, The Bioneer, released a video on “Home Batcaves”. You can check out that video here, and I highly suggest that you do.
A Garage Gym and Workshop Together?

What. Is. That?? The title definitely piqued my interest, and as I watched and rewatched the video dozens of times, it dawned on me that this was EXACTLY what I needed in my life. This was what my brain had been hinting at, but up until that point, hadn’t quite been able to put it all together. A place for myself where I could pursue all my goals and interests next to each other, where I could find inspiration and fulfillment on a daily basis.
A place for HOLISTIC self-improvement, where pursuit in one area informs and spurs on improvement in another, where I can watch a YouTube video on habits, do some language practice on my laptop, and then turn around and knock out a powerlifting workout, all in the same space. A multi-functional, self-actualizing creative space of awesomeness. Thus, the Dragon Lab was born.
The Ultimate Self-Improvement Space
I mean, I didn’t call it that at first. I didn’t call it anything except my own. But after I started this website, it kinda just made sense. The lab has expanded, improved, and changed over the course of about 2 years now. It started off much more simply, and tweaking it and improving it has been one of the more fun and productive things I’ve done with my time. There have been many inspirations, including Tony Stark’s workshop, woodworking and maker spaces, and tons of Youtube garage gym tours. The juxtaposition of intellectual pursuits and physical improvement tools is a must here, as well as a lot of intention about the minutiae of the space and what works best for my needs.
The Workshop
Let’s start with something that identifies the space. My brother in law surprised me with this custom made wooden plaque for Christmas. I love it because it clarifies what the workshop-gym is all about. It adds a personal, familial connection, and it motivates me because it features the logo and vibe of this website and reminds me of what I’m trying to build.

If you’re looking to add something similar to your space, you can purchase a custom made gym banner for not too much money, around $25 or less. Or you can always get schwifty crafty and make one on your own.
One of the things that’s important to me is to have “stuff” around- images, figures, memorabilia, that inspire me, even if they serve no other functional purpose. To that end, I’ve got little nods to Tony Stark/Ironman, space, science, Batman, and technology sprinkled throughout the workshop. They all “add to the stoke”!

What is that? Well, a few years back, I was looking at surf boards in a shop on Oahu and talking with the guy working there, asking for advice. Of course I wanted something that looked cool, but I “knew” that wasn’t that important, that it needed to be well made and suit my needs. I said as much to the fellow and he stopped me and said if it looks cool to you it just “adds to the stoke”! “The stoke” is a surfing term, which basically just means that emotional high you get from catching a great wave, or at least that’s how I’ve interpreted it. I was curious though and looked the term up online. I really like this expanded definition I found on
“A sense of exuberance felt by surfers during and after an excellent surf session. Stoke can be experienced before a session, based purely upon anticipation of how good the waves will be.”

The second half of that definition really speaks to what we’re trying to achieve here, which is an anticipation at what we’re about to undertake that makes us want to participate. That conversation really stuck with me, and since then I’ve allowed myself to indulge a little more in the way something can be visually appealing/stimulating. Having these things around adds personality and a bit of fun to the space, and that makes it enjoyable to be in!
My friends over at Things From Another World have an amazing assortment of pop culture paraphernalia, from comics to statues to anime, to suit any taste. If you’re looking for fun, inspiring things to add to YOUR STOKE click the button below!!!
For me, they create an atmosphere that’s conducive to learning and improving and that keeps me coming back for more. Whatever space you’re building, consider adding some touches like this. Not only will they make it feel more specifically “you”, but if carefully chosen, these items will reinforce the habit loop as illustrated in Charles Duhigg’s The Power of Habit. The visual appeal of your space acts as the cue, and encourages you to be in there and to be productive in your chosen activity.
To that end, you’ll also notice a stack of books here on science and superheroes, as well as a book on Muay Thai. I love books and reading and I can hardly think of anything more essential to a learning space than having a nice stack of books around to set the mood. I definitely plan on adding more in the future.

Like any parent, I have quite a few pieces of kid art floating around the house. In the corner here I’ve got some of my favorites that fit well with the space. My kids are a constant source of inspiration and these drawings are a reminder that one of the reasons I’m so into self-improvement is to set a good example for them.


Generally speaking, I love technology and I have a few items here that help me to be my most productive. When the weather allows, I’ll come in here and either write or do some studying on my laptop. I like being able to connect it via Mini Display Port to a small Magnavox HD TV I have mounted on the wall that I use as an external monitor.
When not connecting the laptop, I’ll sometimes play a movie or Youtube video through the old Apple TV I have here. Great for some morning (or evening) workout motivation. I also have a PS3 with a few games that I can use when it’s time to relax.
Finally, my companion for nearly every workout is the blue and grey Jawbone Big Jambox that sits up on the shelf. Jawbone the company, sadly, is no more. But, I’ve had it since 2013, and it still works great to this day and pumps out good sound for the purpose.
I have plans to add some things in this category soon, including mounting a large tv over the barbell rack. I’ll also need to decide how I want to utilize some LifX smart bulbs I’ve got as well.
If you want a place that looks sharp and put together, you’ve got to make organization a priority. There’s loads more I want to do here, but I’ve been able to make some strides that have made a huge difference.
The small parts organizer I have here stores the typical nails, screws, nuts, bolts, and other various fasteners and hardware. I used to have these in various cardboard boxes and plastic bags which sucked to rummage through and was an eyesore to boot. This is much better.

WARNING! WARNING! Lack of organization present!

Hey, no one’s perfect okay!? In the corner here I’ve been storing lifting gear such as some Rogue strength bands, a speed rope, lifters, knee sleeves, etc. Unfortunately they are seriously cluttering up the space with no real organization apparent. I DO have an idea for creating a dedicated space for these items (and I’m pretty excited about it!), but we’ll have to see when I can actually make the time to complete that.
In the meantime, the gear remains here. I love these Ironman rocket boot style Nike Romaleos 2 weightlifting shoes. For me, they’re perfect, and I don’t mind that they’re a little heavy. I prefer them, especially the fit, to the highlighter yellow Romaleos 3 I have. I use those occasionally but they feel super long, like I’m wearing clown shoes, lol.

The strength bands come in very handy for everything from warmups, to pullup assistance, to accessory work on the rack. I hope to one day have a dedicated pulley machine but until then I’ll be using these bands from Rogue. I also have a brown leather Rogue Ohio powerlifting belt that I love. It’s simple, high quality and broken in just right.

Moving on, the Craftsman tool chest was a Father’s Day gift last year and houses mostly hand tools and a few other odds ‘n ends. I LOVE this thing. This is the 2000 Series 26 in. 4 drawer model. It’s lockable, has soft close drawers, and includes an integrated charging station with six power outlets and two usb outlets.

This is super convenient for when I need to recharge the typical tech items such as my phone or the Jawbone Big Jambox. But it’s also great for charging up battery operated tools such as my impact driver or the big lawn tool batteries I have for our Ego lawn mower and trimmer.

The second drawer contains a bunch of old tools I inherited from my Dad. They’re old, rusty, and beat up, but they hold a lot of sentimental value for me. Plus right now, they’re the only files and chisels I own, lol.

See the diagrams for the rest of the items contained here. It’s mostly typical stuff you’d expect to see. However….. I got this Arduino kit as a way to learn about electronics. There are a bunch of different kits available and the one I have includes a microcontroller, motor, LCD display, and a bunch of assorted transistors, resistors, etc. When I can make some more time I’d really like to work with these kits some more and become more fluent with them.

Again, I’m a little bit embarrassed at the lack of organization under the work benches here. It’s a total mess under there, but for now that’s where I’m storing larger power tools, batteries, tool boxes and other electronics and home improvement junk. The work benches came with the garage when we moved in and they’re not bad. But I really need more compartmentalization options to clean up the look of things and improve accessibility to tools, etc.

Eventually I want to get a large nice extended tool chest to replace at least one of these workbenches, probably the one under the TV. The opposite bench I plan to replace with a nicer upgraded workbench, probably one that can be raised and lowered like this one from Gladiator.

I read Adam Savage’s book last year and I’ve been a fan of his Youtube channel for a long time. I find his example truly inspirational. He makes you feel like you can do anything, doesn’t he? Well, this area (making, building, tinkering) continues to be aspirational for me and even though I still remain a wannabe, I’ve acquired a few quality power tools listed below. Next up in this area for me will probably be a circular saw, or even a (portable) table saw. If you’ve been interested in any of this stuff but feel intimidated by the thought of working with your hands I highly recommend reading the book, Everything’s a Hammer.
- Kobalt Compound Miter Saw
- Bostitch Air Compressor
- Bosch Cordless Hammer Drill
- Bosch Corded Orbital Sander
- Skil Jigsaw
- Black and Decker Cordless Power Drill
The final items I want to mention here are the whiteboard and the fridge. Yes! WHITEBOARD! Ha, maybe I get too excited about these but I’ve wanted one for a long time. Whiteboards are great for all kinds of planning and organization uses. I like to use mine for daily items/schedules and tasks, but off in the corner or at the top or bottom I can store some more long term goals or info such as gym PR goals, motivational quotes, or projects I want to tackle. This one is a nice sized one from Costco that was only about $20, so a great deal. It also came with magnets for tacking things up and several different colored dry erase markers.

I love having a fridge in the garage. It’s functional, makes the workshop area feel complete, and it’s another chance to nerd out. All this sticker swag is just for fun, but you gotta have fun where you can, ammirite? The things on this fridge represent my interests and what gets me excited, so that includes tons of space, superheroes and science, as well as some strength and lifting oriented stuff. It adds to the stoke baby!
That does it for the workshop area! It’s a small but powerful way to reinforce daily improvement as a way of life. And have fun doing it! But that’s only half the formula….
The Garage Gym

Garage Gym Inspiration
The training area is where one can physically test themselves. Improve their physique. And this may come as a surprise to some, but it’s hands down one of the best tools for challenging yourself mentally and emotionally on a daily basis!
What do I mean by that? If you’re already in the habit of working out this will already be familiar, but anyone who’s trained on a semi-consistent basis has most likely seen some improvement in their fitness. And quickly thereafter hit some kind of plateau. Or lack of motivation. Or…some kind of roadblock. At some point, the motivation wears off and the self-discipline kicks in. It’s overcoming a mental challenge (some days more so than others) to go for a workout when you don’t feel like it. Having a workout area of your own at home brings this challenge into focus as you don’t have the usual excuses such as “I don’t have time”, “the gym’s far away”, “it’s rush hour”, “I don’t have money to join a gym”, etc.
In another way, having your own garage gym/workout space offers opportunities to show courage, most likely to yourself (maybe to your family?). Once you’ve hit a few PRs on the squat and deadlift you can start to get weirded out at the weight you’re lifting. Even more so if you’ve gotten injured in the past. Continuing to go for personal bests (in a safe manner of course!) requires something of you, a certain drive to be better, even though the risk of failure or injury are present.
To that end, I’ve got my own training space set up in the garage, right next to my learning/working space. Right now, I’d say “technically” it’s got just about everything I need, but I definitely don’t plan to stop improving it anytime soon! Let’s dive in-
Olympic Lifting Platform
I assembled this myself, but I had help in the form of my two young daughters. It was the first time I had them use the power drill so having that familial connection makes this part of the gym special to me.
It’s slightly smaller than a typical oly platform, trimmed to fit the space better. At 6 feet in depth, 8 feet in length, it’s adequate for most situations, but if I was going to go for a true max snatch or clean n jerk here I’d probably move the Echo bike out of the danger zone. And I do plan on reinforcing the drywall underneath the barbell rack with some wooden planks or something.
The assembly was pretty simple, but maybe I’ll put together a post since this one has some differences compared to most I’ve seen online.
Toaster Rack

This little piece was also simple and I really like how it turned out. I DO have a post on this already, so if you’re interested in putting together your own diy bumper plate toaster rack you can find how to do so here.
Barbell Rack

I’ve been extremely fortunate to acquire some high quality barbells (finally!) over the past year and a half. Check the image and list below for the details. If anyone would like a review on any of these or simply has questions let me know in the comments. My favorite bar right now is the Vulcan Absolute Power Bar. It feels super solid in the hand with just the right kind of aggressive, sticky knurling, and it looks great. The black oxide finish is perfect in standing up to the Texas heat and humidity and has this really unique espresso bean brown color to it.

- 1 No Name EZ Curl Bar – This one works just fine.
- 2 Rogue Fitness IWF Approved Euro Olympic Weightlifting Bar in Cerakote – This is way too nice a bar for me! I got it during the great COVID gym equipment drought of ’20 when Rogue sold out of their Ohio bars. I do like it though. Nice, more passive center knurl, and the Cerakote is great for the humid environment. Knurling is not too sticky though, so at higher weights (relatively speaking) I do need to chalk up. SUPER great spin. 28 mm.
- 3 Vulcan Absolute Power Bar – see above
- 4 Fringe Sport Women’s Olympic Weightlifting Bar – 15 kg bar, 25 mm diameter, finished in hard matte chrome. Really nice bar that we got a good deal on. It’s my wife’s bar but I enjoy using it sometimes.
- 5 Rogue Fitness Ohio Deadlift Bar – This is a boneyard bar that I bought second hand on FB marketplace. The previous owner took way better care of it than I did in the first year 🤦♂️. I eventually cleaned it up and have since been oiling it more regularly. It’s got a pleasant patina to it now. This bar has a sharp, aggressive knurling which I really like for heavy deadlifts (along with the 27 mm diameter). Bare steel also contributes to a great feel in the hand.
- 6 No Name Beater Bar – This is the barbell I started my home gym with. It’s not very good and doesn’t weigh what it’s supposed to. Nevertheless, I did make some gains with it.
Rogue Fitness Squat Rack

I’ve detailed my thoughts on this Rogue S-2 Squat Rack in a review here. Suffice it to say that it’s a solid piece of equipment that is in no way holding me back from making strength gains, lol.
I still plan on upgrading to a full on power rack at some point. I like the look of them, and they just offer more attachment points and flexibility than a squat rack does. I’ve checked out a few companies’ offerings, but lately I’ve been really impressed with what Bridge Built has been doing. Check them out here.
There’s a small assortment of dumbbells in the ‘ol Dragon Lab, but my favorites are hands down the ones from Rep Fitness. I’ll probably do a short review on these at some point, but if you’re considering picking up some of these, do it! They’re great.

You’ll find two benches here. One is the acclaimed FB-5000 with wide pad, again from Rep Fitness. It’s solid as a tank, very comfortable and I just love using it. Plus that true blue color man!

The other bench I separated from a bench only rack I have from Powertec. It inclines and declines, so I keep it around for that purpose. However, it comes in extra handy because it has an attachment point on the end for a leg extension/curl attachment. This makes it indispensable for hamstring work as far as I’m concerned. Otherwise, I’d probably pick up a newer adjustable bench from one of the major companies.

BOOM! Big reveal!
I received this airbike, the famed Rogue Echo Bike, for my birthday last year from my long suffering wife who graciously puts up with my garage equipment obsession. It’s all that and a bag of chips just like all the hype says. It’s been the best addition to the space other than probably the squat rack, and I use it nearly every day. If you want all the info on this fantastic piece of gym kit check out the dedicated article right here!

Lastly, is my single, lone piece of gym swag, a banner from the strength company Hybrid Performance Method. I’ve used several of their online programs to include the original Hybrid Performance Method and the Powerlifting program. I’m currently running their collaboration program with former Crossfit Games champ, Matt Fraser. In addition to all that, they’ve got some cool apparel and other things and Stefi Cohen and Hayden Bowe just seem like dope people.

That about does it for this first tour of the Dragon Lab! Thanks for reading. Is there something here that caught your eye? Any suggestions for the space? I plan to do another tour once I’ve made more improvements and changes. I’m thrilled with how the space is now, but I also have a ton in mind that I want to do, from adding equipment, decor, and aesthetic touches to increasing functionality and organization. I hope this was fun to see and hopefully it gave you some ideas of things you may want to add (or avoid? lol) to your own space. If you’d like to view a video walkthrough of the space you can click on the link here-
And if you’re interested in viewing Batman’s (infinitely cooler) Batcave, click here. Till next time!