Captain America’s Top 5 Allies

Steve Rogers’ Best 5 Confidants (Plus 1 Bonus!)

No man is an island, at least no successful man that is. Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, has dismantled Hydra, wielded a Norse God’s power, and commanded the most awe-inspiring army of Marvel superheroes the world of cinema has ever seen. But none of this would be possible without the help, influence, and even mentorship he’s received from his very closest allies.



Leadership Lessons from Captain America

The Most Inspiring of Marvel Characters

Happy Birthday America! 2020 has been such a turbulent year so far. This has me thinking of a stable, centered, morally grounded character. Which of all the Marvel superheroes does this description fit best, you may ask? A hero synonymous with America’s Independence Day, Captain America himself! Whereas characters like Tony Stark and even the Mighty Thor seem so vulnerable to events surrounding them and are constantly reinventing themselves in order to keep up, Steve Rogers knows himself and knows what he stands for. Out of all the Marvel heroes, Cap stays true to himself no matter what world ending event is at hand.



Cap’s Best Fight Moves!

The MVP of Marvel Characters

It’s been a little over a year since we said goodbye to Captain America, at least the version we’ve all come to know and love, as portrayed in the MCU by actor Chris Evans. Cap is one of the most interesting Marvel superheroes and although I am excited to see Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan tear it up in Falcon and The Winter Soldier, Steve Rogers is the OG version of Cap that’s had a huge impact on fans the world over (yours truly included). It’s been a while since we’ve had any Captain America movies and some of us are feeling just a tad bit empty without the Sentinel of Liberty in our lives, amirite??



Why You Should Build Your Own Bumper Plate Toaster Rack

You can do it, yes YOU! Build a DIY Toaster Rack!

I recently read Adam Savage’s book, Every Tool’s a Hammer, and it absolutely reinforced a notion I have that is one of the founding beliefs of this site. As we go through life, we build beliefs about who we are, what we do, and what we’re capable of. We’re usually wrong. What I mean, is that through these beliefs about who we are, we also decide, sometimes falsely, who we’re not. We end up needlessly placing self-limiting beliefs on ourselves.



Lessons from a Witcher

10 traits that make Geralt of Rivia awesome!

Part 1, Ethical Traits

Oh man, you feel that?? That’s quarantine fatigue settin’ in, that is. Yes, if you’re reading this in the future, i.e. past 2020, it’s currently the inaugural Corona virus season/enforced home staycation. And if you’re like a lot of people present-day, you’ve been passing at least some of the time at home by binge watching Netflix shows and movies.



Just Start Already!

When I was in college and just starting to write music of my own, a professor at the university gave me some sage advice. “Usually when people start writing they write a bunch of bad charts. And It’s best just to get that out of the way as soon as possible.” Lol. I love that! But what the heck did he mean? Was he telling me I was going to be a bad composer!? Don’t try because you’re going to write a bunch of bad music??



My Top 5 Podcasts (27 recommendations!)

I have 30-50 minute commute to and from work everyday. During that drive I like to draw inspiration from a number of different sources, to include talk radio, music, and audiobooks. I typically pick something that’s not just going to be fun to listen to, but that’s going to put me in the right mindset to perform and achieve my goals at work and in life in general. To that end, the medium I keep coming back to most often are podcasts. What a great option to explore all kinds of topics, from health and fitness, to productivity to understanding how we learn! I LOVE PODCASTS.



2020 Bulk Update

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For accountability’s sake and to show progression in my fitness, I’ve decided to document my goals, nutrition, lifts, and bulking/cutting/maintenance cycles on the website. This will be the first article in this series and it’s my bulking phase for the end of 2019! In this blog post, I’ll go over my timeline, nutrition numbers, and performance numbers. Let’s get started!
